Evaluation of Intracanal Medicaments on Pushout Bond Strength of Calcium Silicate Based

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Foram Patel
Megha Patel
Rohan Bhatt
Chhaya Patel
Darshan Jethva
Disha Makwani


Background: The disinfection of canal and optimal coronal and apical seal forms the mainstay for success of any endodontic treatment. Cements made of calcium silicate, such as Biodentine and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA), are gaining popularity as apical plug restorations. However, their pushout bond strength can be affected by the intracanal medicaments used due to the surface changes they produce on root dentin.
Aim: To assess the impact of medications for intracanal use such as Calcium Hydroxide (CH) and Triple Antibiotic Paste (TAP) placed for different time periods on the pushout bond strength (PBS) of MTA and Biodentine.
Materials and Methodology: One hundred single rooted teeth were prepared to simulate open apex. Teeth were divided into 5 groups (n = 20) namely CH for 1 week, TAP for 1 week, CH for 3 weeks, TAP for 3 weeks and a control group. 2mm discs were prepared from each specimen and filled with MTA and Biodentine and subjected to universal testing machine for measuring the values of pushout bond strength in Mega pascals. Collected data was subjected to statistical analysis. Tests used were ANOVA and post hoc Tukey.
Results: The result between all the groups was statistically highly significant and group 3b (CH- 3 week + BD) showed highest pushout bond  strength and the least push out bond strength was observed in group 5a (control + MTA). The higher pushout bond strength was observed when the CH was used as an intracanal medicament. The pushout bond strength of the apical plugs improved when the intracanal medicaments were used for a longer duration of 3 weeks than the 1-week application.

Conclusion: The use of TAP as intracanal medicament for 3 weeks and Biodentine as apical plug material can be recommended for one visit apexification technique as they have a higher pushout bond strength.

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How to Cite
Foram Patel, Megha Patel, Rohan Bhatt, Chhaya Patel, Darshan Jethva, & Disha Makwani. (2023). Evaluation of Intracanal Medicaments on Pushout Bond Strength of Calcium Silicate Based. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 481–490. Retrieved from https://www.jclmm.com/index.php/journal/article/view/1038


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