The Association Between Oral Health Related Qualtiy of Life &The Different Treatment Modalities of Oral Cancer-An Update

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Swati Sharma
Vartika Grover
Sahil Thakar


QOL is largely affected by lot of overlapping facts and domains . Though enormous health care research is going all over the world to improve the survival as well as improve the quality of life in all the cancers of human body . Human being s individual perception for quality of life is one of the most important parameter to enhance the overall well being of cancer patients. During the last decades, this idea of QOL has developed enormously and so are the various available treatment options in health care research to assess the individual’s understanding of  well-being.

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How to Cite
Swati Sharma, Shivalingesh.k.k, M.Siddharth, Vartika Grover, Anuradha, & Sahil Thakar. (2023). The Association Between Oral Health Related Qualtiy of Life &The Different Treatment Modalities of Oral Cancer-An Update. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 705–710. Retrieved from


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