Biomass in Marine Natural Products: Ecological Parameters and High Value Production of Seaweeds in Lavezares, Northern Samar, Philippine

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Blenah O. Perez


The study examined the ecological conditions of a seaweed farming site, focusing on factors such as salinity, light penetration, temperature, substrate, water depth, water current, and biotic factors. It assessed the biomass production in both control and experimental groups, analyzed the significant difference in biomass production between these groups, and explored the relationship between biotic factors and biomass production. The independent variable was the ecological factors, while the control and experimental groups served as moderator variables, and biomass production acted as the dependent variable. The study followed an experimental research methodology, with physical parameters monitored weekly and biotic factors monitored daily for a duration of 30 days. The research took place in Barangay Magsaysay, Lavezares, Northern Samar. The findings indicated that the ecological conditions in both the control and experimental groups were favorable for seaweed farming in terms of salinity, light penetration, temperature, substrate, water depth, and water current. However, the study revealed that certain ecological factors had a greater influence, particularly on the experimental group, leading to harmful effects on the cultured seaweeds. Regarding biomass production, the data demonstrated that the control group exhibited production, while the experimental group had none due to the impact of biotic factors. There was a significant difference in biomass production between the control and experimental groups, as only the control group registered notable biomass production. Additionally, a significant relationship was found between biotic factors and seaweed biomass production, with more grazers in the seaweed farm resulting in reduced biomass. Based on these findings, the conclusion drawn from the study is that culturing seaweeds in a confined space, referred to as "caging," should be avoided. Cages serve as a sanctuary for grazers, particularly siganids, and allow the growth of algae and epiphytes, which trap the nutrients carried by the water current. These circumstances eventually lead to the development of "ice-ice" disease in seaweeds.           

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How to Cite
Perez, B. O. . (2023). Biomass in Marine Natural Products: Ecological Parameters and High Value Production of Seaweeds in Lavezares, Northern Samar, Philippine. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 766–779. Retrieved from


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