Emotional Intelligence and Implications for Nursing Education

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Alya Atiah Alghamdi
Seham Mansour Alyousef
Norah Mohammed Alyahya
Ghareeb Bahari
Omaimah A. Qadhi
Ali Hudays


This paper aimed to review the tools used, variables and factors and teaching methods of EI and its enhancement in nursing students. Google Scholar was searched and screened through PRISMA flow to get 87 papers for use in the review. The review was done based on the thematic topics: EI measurement tools in nursing education, the Importance of EI in nursing education, EI and its variables, Factors and impacts of EI in nursing students and Factors that can be used for teaching and enhancing EI in nursing students. About 40% of the papers dealt with the numerous tools available for EI measurement developed by various authors. About 29% of papers deal with the factors which can be used for teaching and enhancing EI in nursing students. The outcome desired from improving EI is quality care. The two thematic topics on which the maximum frequency of papers was published reflect the comparative importance of these two topics over the other topics covered by a few other papers. Most papers used the survey method. A few reviews and meta-analytical papers used secondary data. One paper used semi-structured interviews. A maximum number of papers came from Korea, Turkey, and Iran rather than from Western countries, probably reflecting the concern for the improvement of care quality in these countries.

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How to Cite
Alya Atiah Alghamdi, Seham Mansour Alyousef, Norah Mohammed Alyahya, Ghareeb Bahari, Omaimah A. Qadhi, & Ali Hudays. (2023). Emotional Intelligence and Implications for Nursing Education. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 920–937. Retrieved from https://www.jclmm.com/index.php/journal/article/view/1109


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