The Transfusion Perspective of Whole Blood Vs Blood Component Use Among Obstetrics Patient Admitted in A Tertiary Care Hospital – A Cross-Sectional Study

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Vinod Kumar C
Divya Ramalingam


Background: Rational use of blood means to provide appropriate blood products to the most needed patient in the correct quantity at right time by that we can bridge demand and supply gap. By preventing unnecessary Transfusion we can achieve effectiveness, safety and adequacy. A patient who receives a whole blood may not necessarily require all the components, but when it is used for component preparations, many recipients who actually need specific component would be benefited, as we know blood is always of short of supply. When a patient receives only the needed component, the actual transfusion associated risk and infections of whole blood could also be avoided. The objective of our study is to find the best transfusion perspective regarding whole blood Vs blood product component use and its indications among women admitted for obstetric care.


Type of Study: Cross sectional study

The study was conducted in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, Southern Railway Headquarters Hospital, Ayanavaram, Chennai, over 18 months between December 2017 and May 2019. The study area includes all the women admitted for obstetrics services.

Results: In the study, based on their indications, few patients have received more than one type of blood component transfusion. 63.15% of Packed RBC’s transfusion, 47.36% transfusion of whole blood, 14.03% of random donor platelets and 10.52% of FFP plasma were done.

Conclusions: Post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) followed by anaemia in pregnancy were found to be common indications for packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusion and whole blood transfusion. Medical disorders complicating pregnancy and gestational thrombocytopenia were the two most common indications for transfusion of platelet concentrate. Among the study participants who were transfused with Fresh frozen plasma (FFP), the indications were equally distributed for ruptured tubal ectopic, APH, hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy (DIC) and obstetric hysterectomy.

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How to Cite
Vinod Kumar C, & Divya Ramalingam. (2023). The Transfusion Perspective of Whole Blood Vs Blood Component Use Among Obstetrics Patient Admitted in A Tertiary Care Hospital – A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 1053–1057. Retrieved from


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