Migtera® in the Treatment of Migraines

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Shokhida Gazieva
Satima Kuranbaeva
Gulchehra Usmanova
Umida Shamsieva
Sevara Kalandarova
Dilnoza Yusupova


The evidence base of the use antimigrenous drug of Migtera® (a.i. zolmitriptan) in the management of patients with migraine attacks, evaluation of its effectiveness in comparison with the used antimigrenous drug Rapimig (a.i. zolmitriptan) is considered. The results of studies of the treatment of these patients using antimigrenous drug Migtera® showed its equivalent efficacy and tolerability compared to patients taking basic therapy with antimigrenous drug Rapimig.

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How to Cite
Shokhida Gazieva, Satima Kuranbaeva, Gulchehra Usmanova, Umida Shamsieva, Sevara Kalandarova, & Dilnoza Yusupova. (2023). Migtera® in the Treatment of Migraines. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 1281–1286. Retrieved from https://www.jclmm.com/index.php/journal/article/view/1155


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