A Modern View on Outpatient Treatment "From the First Day" of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the Conditions of the City of Tashkent

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Parpieva Nargiza Nusratovna
Jurabaeva Mukhabbat Khusanovna
Massavirov Sherali Sherikbayevich
Anvarova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Babamatova Khilola Umirsaidovna
Ongarbayev Dauran Ongarbayev
Khakimov Abdulatif Abduvali o’g’li
Halim Zoda Lochin Maratovich


Tuberculosis today is a multicomponent problem that has gone beyond the medical sphere. Despite significant progress in the global fight against tuberculosis, no country in the world has reached its targets. As a result, there is an urgent need to revise the tuberculosis control strategy, which unites all levels of healthcare, public and religious organizations, and all sectors of the media [6,9]. Thus, a patient-centered approach to TB treatment is being formed - this is one of the fundamental elements of the “End TB” Strategy (“End TB”), which was adopted in 2014 at the 67th session of WHO. A patient-centered approach to treatment allows you to be treated outside of hospital facilities and continue to work without interruption from work and family. Treatment models that provide equitable access to outpatient care and patient support in the community provide an opportunity to reduce stigma in people with TB.

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Parpieva Nargiza Nusratovna, Jurabaeva Mukhabbat Khusanovna, Massavirov Sherali Sherikbayevich, Anvarova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Babamatova Khilola Umirsaidovna, Ongarbayev Dauran Ongarbayev, Khakimov Abdulatif Abduvali o’g’li, & Halim Zoda Lochin Maratovich. (2023). A Modern View on Outpatient Treatment "From the First Day" of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the Conditions of the City of Tashkent. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 1291–1297. Retrieved from https://www.jclmm.com/index.php/journal/article/view/1157


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