Features of the Course of Epilepsy in Women of Childbearing Age

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Muratov Fakhmitdin Khayritdinovich
Yusupova Dilnoza Yusupjon kizi


This publication discusses the effectiveness of therapy in women with epilepsy. The data obtained in the course of studies on the hormonal background of patients with catamenial epilepsy are presented, which subsequently led to the development of a method of differentiated (personalized) therapy for epilepsy. The use of this therapy allowed to reduce the frequency and severity of epileptic seizures, and in 22% of cases to achieve a state of clinical remission (follow-up of 6 months), thereby affecting the quality of life of patients. In addition, the state of clinical remission allows women of fertile age to plan pregnancy and childbirth, i.e., the reproductive function of women improves.

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How to Cite
Muratov Fakhmitdin Khayritdinovich, & Yusupova Dilnoza Yusupjon kizi. (2023). Features of the Course of Epilepsy in Women of Childbearing Age. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 1298–1301. Retrieved from https://www.jclmm.com/index.php/journal/article/view/1158


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