Biological Aspects of Genital Prolapse in Women of Reproductive Age

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Urinova Ruzagul Shakhobiddin kizi
Saidjalilova Dilnoza Djavdatovna


Genital prolapse (GP) is one of the most common gynecological problems, with an incidence of 28-39%. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that about 1/3 of all these patients are women of reproductive age. And with age, GP becomes progressive. We examined 63 women with the GP of reproductive age who applied to the 8th maternity complex in Tashkent. We found that in women, genital prolapse in 57.1% of cases is due to uCTD. It was found that the severity of GP development depended on the severity of  uCTD. In women with GP and uCTD, the magnesium level was significantly lower by 1.8-2 times than in the group without pathology. In more than half (69.4%) of women with GP and uCTD, the excretion of OP was significant and exceeded the due value by more than 2 times. In almost a third (30.6%) of patients, the increase in this indicator was moderate and averaged 76.1±1.9 mg/day.

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How to Cite
Urinova Ruzagul Shakhobiddin kizi, & Saidjalilova Dilnoza Djavdatovna. (2023). Biological Aspects of Genital Prolapse in Women of Reproductive Age. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 1302–1311. Retrieved from


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