Cabbage Effectively Overcomes Breast Swelling on Post-Partum Mothers

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Tuti Sukini
Siti Rofiah
Sri Widatiningsih


Breastfeeding is the best ideal food for a healthy baby growth and development. One of the breastfeeding problems in the post-early delivery is breast engorgement. A cabbage leaf compress is one of complementary therapy to overcome pain due to breast swelling. Cabbage leaves contain sinigrin (allylisothiocyanate) rapine, mustardoil, magnesium, oxylate, sulfur and with antibiotic, anti-irritant and anti-inflammatory. This study used quasy experimental design studies, with a pretest-posttest with control group design. The study population was about 30 postpartum mothers in the working area in Magelang. Respondents were divided into 2 groups, 15 postpartum mothers with the whole cabbage compress intervention group, 15 postpartum mothers with the fine cabbage compress intervention group. Analysis was using the Wilcoxon test. The results showed that the pain scale average change in the whole cabbage compress group was 2.8 and in the fine cabbage compress group it was 1.73. Compressing whole cabbage without a mixture of water is more effective in lowering the degree of swelling of the postpartum mother's breasts. It is recommended to postpartum mothers and midwives to apply cabbage compresses without any mixture of ingredients as one of the techniques to reduce the degree of breast swelling.

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How to Cite
Tuti Sukini, Siti Rofiah, & Sri Widatiningsih. (2023). Cabbage Effectively Overcomes Breast Swelling on Post-Partum Mothers. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 1335–1340. Retrieved from


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