A Study of Fetomaternal Outcome in Breech Presentation Beyond 34 Weeks of Gestation

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Vidhya Raghavan
Rakesh Anand
Hiral Dobariya


Background:The most frequent malpresentation, accounting for 3-4% of pregnancies at term, is breech. Due to spontaneous correction, the incidence is around 24% at the 28th week of pregnancy and declines to 6-8% by the 34th week. In cases when the requirements are satisfied, there are several options for breech deliveries, including assisted vaginal birth, scheduled caesarean section, and external cephalic version.
Aims & Objective:
In the present study, fetomaternal outcome in singleton breech presentation after 34 weeks of gestation was examined.
To evaluate the maternal and perinatal outcomes between vaginal delivery (VD) and Caesarean section (CS) for singleton term pregnancy with breech presentation, as well as to learn the relevant variables for various modalities of delivery in breech presentation.
To access the factors involved in breech presentation.
Material & Method:
This is a prospective study of 76 instances of antenatal patients at Dhiraj Hospital who were in labour with breech presentations after 34 weeks of gestation between March 2022 and April 2023.
The rate of breech presentation was 3.19% in this prospective research. Breech presentation was more frequent in multigravidas among the 76 cases examined, with booked instances making up the majority of these cases. Compared to assisted breech birth, caesarean delivery was more common in primigravida and multigravida individuals. When compared to vaginal birth, the perinatal outcome was better after a caesarean section.
Discussion & Conclusion: 
Breech deliveries are thought to be high risk deliveries, hence they should take place at tertiary care institutions with access to an expert obstetrician with operating rooms and NICUs.

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How to Cite
Raghavan, V. ., Anand, R. ., & Dobariya, H. . (2023). A Study of Fetomaternal Outcome in Breech Presentation Beyond 34 Weeks of Gestation. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 1517–1525. Retrieved from https://www.jclmm.com/index.php/journal/article/view/1193


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