Study of Occurrence of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (Nafld) in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (Pcos)

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Ranjitha Raj
Swathi. B. S
Bernice Roberts


NAFLD along with PCOS was first noted by Brown et al in 2005. Since then, it was opined that NAFLD might be a common accompaniment with PCOS considering the fact that insulin resistance & metabolic symdrome is common in both NAFLD and PCOS. Henceforth, our study was a case control hospital-based type study with a period of 18 months starting from January 2017 ending to June 2018. 50 PCOS patients according to Rotterdam criteria were included with 50 controls. Out of 50 cases of PCOS, 23 were below 30 years and 27 were above 30 years. Overall NAFLD prevalence was found to be 24 % with 8.3% in patients of age 15-30years and 91.7%in patients above 30years which showed the association between age and NAFLD prevalence. Patients of PCOS with age more than 30 years were 15.125 times more likely to become NAFLD positive when compared to participants with age 15-30 years(p=0.03).

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How to Cite
Ranjitha Raj, Swathi. B. S, & Bernice Roberts. (2023). Study of Occurrence of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (Nafld) in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (Pcos). Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 1631–1634. Retrieved from


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