“Analysis of Status and Perception of Diabetic and Hypertension Patients during COVID-19 Pandemic.”

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Naresh Vashist


Background: COVID-19 is transmitted from person to person and causes mild and lethal diseases in diabetic and hypertension patients, comparatively and takes about fourteen days to onset. In initial days of outbreak, deaths are due to comorbidities like diabetes, hypertension and other non-communicable diseases. Threat of a serious explosion due to lack of facilities for disinfection and treatments for diabetic and hypertension patients. It is important to assess perception of hypertension, diabetic and hypertension with diabetic patients, in identifying gaps and strengthening ongoing prevention and treatment efforts.

Objective: To analyse the status and perception of diabetic and hypertension patients during COVID-19 pandemic.

Material and Method: Data based study, in which cross-sectional survey is conducted from January, 1st 2020 onward, during COVID-19, from rural areas of Himachal Pradesh by well-developed questionnaire from diabetic and hypertension patients, responses are collected, recorded and consolidated detail is prepared.

Results: Total responses received during investigations are 5498 from the total population 29858. Males=47.82%, females= 52.18%. Normal persons = 82.78% and diabetes, hypertension and diabetes with hypertension patients =17.22%, maximum normal persons in age group 41-60 whereas diseased are in age group 61-80 and minimum normal as well as diseased, in age group 81-100. 74.60% people have knowledge about COVID-19, 18.93% have no knowledge and 6.47% have no-opinion. 79.60% have positive attitude whereas 15.86% have negative attitude and 4.54% have no opinion. The perception of respondents during complete lockdown, regarding COVID-19 is 83.75% positive, 13.38% negative and 2.87% have no-opinion and perception after lockdown is 74.38% positive, 18.62% negative and 7.00% have no-opinion.

Conclusion: WHO declared COVID-19 as public health emergency which causes morbidity and mortality in patients of DM, HTN and DM with HTN. These patients have enough knowledge, positive attitude about COVID-19 and have positive perception during and after lockdown in COVID-19 pandemic.

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How to Cite
Vashist, N. . (2024). “Analysis of Status and Perception of Diabetic and Hypertension Patients during COVID-19 Pandemic.”. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 12(1), 08–16. Retrieved from https://www.jclmm.com/index.php/journal/article/view/1299


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