“Knowledge And Attitude Regarding Obesity Among Women”

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Natasha Mahajan
Vaishali Jadhav
Arunima Sreeletha


Women's health is critical, both as a reflection of a large segment of the population's current health status and as a predictor of the health of the next generation.this study aimed to assess knowledge and attitude regarding obesity among women in selected urban areas.A descriptive research design was adopted for data collection from 120 women living in urban areas who were slected using non probability convienent sampling technique.A demographic performa ,structure questionaire on knowledge and likert scale were used to collect data.the result of study was 68.3% women had excellent knowlegde regarding obesity. There was no association of knowledge with selected demographic variable; whereas age had significant association with attitude level.

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How to Cite
Natasha Mahajan, Vaishali Jadhav, & Arunima Sreeletha. (2022). “Knowledge And Attitude Regarding Obesity Among Women”. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 10(3), 196–200. Retrieved from https://www.jclmm.com/index.php/journal/article/view/165


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