Features of the Technological Process in the Production of Injectable Drugs at Pharmaceutical Enterprises and Hygienic Assessment of Microclimate at Workplaces

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Guzal Iskandarova
Nargiz Samigova
Sobitbek Utaev
Ollomurod Saydullaev


The microclimate in the studied Enterprises is characterized by discomfort. One of its parameters is the relative humidity of the air above the permissible norm in some main permanent work places (sections for cutting and preparing ampoules, preparing sterile solutions and filling ampoules) during the cold period of the year. This is due to the irrational heating system organization, which can lead to working conditions that do not meet hygienic requirements for employees.

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How to Cite
Guzal Iskandarova, Nargiz Samigova, MunisaTashpulatova, Sobitbek Utaev, & Ollomurod Saydullaev. (2023). Features of the Technological Process in the Production of Injectable Drugs at Pharmaceutical Enterprises and Hygienic Assessment of Microclimate at Workplaces. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(1), 1319–1328. Retrieved from https://www.jclmm.com/index.php/journal/article/view/515


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