Efficacy of Barefoot Training Versus Shoes-On Training on Agility Among the South Indian Coastal Sprinters
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Background: Agility is essential for sprinters especially in the coast to improve their athletic performance as it requires effective change of direction while still maintaining at a high speed. Some form of special education is needed. Barefoot training proponents claim that by strengthening the feet and ankles as well as enhancing proprioception and sensory feedback, they can increase agility on the track. Aim: The objective of this investigation was to compare the effectiveness of barefoot training vs training with shoes on sprinters' agility.
Methodology: A true experimental study was carried out with 75 participants who were sprinters. They were included in this study based on the selection criteria and signed consent form and participants information sheet. All participants divided into three groups on the basis of training i.e, group A (barefoot), group B (shoes-on) and group C (control group). All groups were assessed with speed test and Illinois agility test before initiating training. For intervention 6 – weeks plyometric training protocol has been used. Plyometric training has been given to group A with barefoot, group B with shoes-on and group C performance only their regular drills. This intervention has been carried out for 5 times per week for 6-weeks of training protocol. After 6 weeks all the participants were again assessed. Then pre and post value of speed test and Illinois agility test has been analysed using paired t test and ANOVA test.
Results: The data analysis of this present study shows that there was a significant difference between groups and within groups in both speed test and Illinois agility test.
Conclusion: The analysis between groups indicates that barefoot training group has more significant improvement when compared to shoes-on training group and control group. Hence, the plyometric special education in barefoot shows greater effect in improving the athletic performance of sprinters of the South Indian coast.
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