Effects of Barre Exercise Versus Pilates Versus Aerobic Exercise on Pre-Menstrual Syndrome Among College Going Coastal Students
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BACKGROUND: Coastal living, due to increased exposure to natural light and outdoor activity, may alleviate some symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in females . The fact that millions of women experience PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, is still recognised as a significant disruption. This is because 40 million women globally suffer from this condition's symptoms, and more than 5 million of them seek medical attention for the mental and behavioural disorders it causes. A group of symptoms known as PMS start near the end of the menstrual cycle's secretory phase (five to seven days before menstruation) and stop during the follicular phase. (2–4 days following menstruation). Special tailored educational needs arise .
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study is to compare the benefits of Barre, Pilates, and aerobic exercise on PMS symptoms in college-bound students.
METHODOLOGY: This study Consist of 45 female participants with premenstrual syndrome age between 18 to 25 years. They were screened and diagnosed primarily by the Department of gynecology to rule out any abnormality or any other defects with minimal Investigations. The 45 participants with premenstrual syndrome were selected based on the Premenstrual syndrome scale. In this study the participants were divided into three Group, group A, group B and group C, The group A received barre exercise, group B received Pilates and group C received aerobic exercise. The participants received intervention at the duration of 8weeks and the total research duration was 10 weeks. The data were analyzed and interpreted by using SPSS version 26
RESULT: Analysis of premenstrual syndrome scale (<0.05) showed statistically significant differences in the effectiveness of the three exercise programs in reducing PMS symptoms. The participants in barre exercise group exhibited greater improvement.
CONCLUSION: This study showed that all three groups experienced significant reductions in PMS symptom severity after the 8-week exercise program. However, the results showed that tailored education techniques like barre exercise and Pilates are equally effective in reducing Premenstrual syndrome symptoms and associated disabilities compared to Aerobic exercise.
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