Effectiveness of Retro Walking Exercise Versus Core Stability Exercise for Coastal Patients with Osteoarthritis of the Knee – A Randomized Active Control Study
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Background: Most patients who suffer from osteoarthritis (OA), a chronic degenerative disease, are in their fourth and fifth decades of life. When one ages, it leads to joint wear and tear. Bones, cartilage, and synovium are the structures that are impacted. Retro walking is regarded as a successful closed kinetic chain workout to enhance the body's equilibrium and lower-body strength. Core stability exercises are exercises designed to improve the strength and stability of the muscles that support the spine, hips, and knees, core stability exercise lessen the strain on the lumbar muscles and lower extremities as well as the intradiscal pressure. An adapted curriculum for the needs is needed.
Objective: The study's goal was to investigate the effectiveness of retro walking exercise versus core stability training.
Methodology: 30 subjects with osteoarthritis knee were selected. They were randomly assigned to two groups that is Retro walking exercise (RWE) group and Core Stability Exercise (CSE) group. RWE group received retro walking exercise and conventional exercise and CSE group received core stability exercise and conventional exercise. Exercise is given for 6 weeks Western Ontario McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) and the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) were used to measure pain and functional activity scores prior to and following the intervention.
Result: The data was analysed and interpreted using the SPSS version. There was a significant reduction in NPRS and WOMAC score in both groups and a significant difference was found between RWE group and CSE group (p<0.05).
Conclusion: From the above study, we draw the conclusion that both exercises were successful in treating patients with knee osteoarthritis, but retro walking demonstrates an additional notable extent of handicap decrease.
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