A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Audio Drama on Knowledge of Menstrual Hygiene Among Visually Challenged Adolescent Girls of Selected Schools of Gujarat
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Health is an essential factor for a happy contended life. The onset of menstruation is a life event that can help a girl transition from childhood to womanhood. Even typically developing adolescent girls may not be aware of good menstrual management during this extremely sensitive time in their lives. Visual difficulties arise as the girl's biological changes progress. Due to their limitations, adolescent girls experience various difficulties; they may require assistance even in daily activities. audio dramas help them learn more. The purpose of the current study is to evaluate the impact of audio drama on visually impaired girls' awareness of menstrual hygiene. A quantitative technique is applied in this investigation.Pre-experimental research design is used in this study and the data collection was done by administering the menstrual hygiene knowledge questionnaire. The study conducted in the Lions blind girls school, Vadodara,Gujarat.30 sample size are selected. In this study, the effectiveness of the audio drama is evaluated using the purposive sampling method. Adolescent girls who were visually impaired and were between the ages of 13 and 18 were included in this study. In the pre-test samples, 33.3% had insufficient knowledge, 66.7% had moderate knowledge, and 0% had adequate knowledge; in the post-test samples, 0% had insufficient knowledge, 36.75% had moderate knowledge, and 63.35% had suitable knowledge. The findings indicate that samples from the post-test group had higher knowledge levels than samples from the pre-test group. When the association was assessed, there was no connection found between awareness of menstrual hygiene and the chosen socio-demographic characteristic. Teenage females with visual impairments were learning more about menstruation hygiene thanks to the audio drama. It has been found that there was a significant improvement in the knowledge level of visually challenged adolescent girls after audio drama.
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