A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of a Suicide Prevention Program on Selected Student of Sumandeep Nursing College Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Piparia Vadodara
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The study's objective was to evaluate people's understanding about suicide prevention. The third most common cause of mortality for young adults globally is suicide. Prevention tactics increasingly are understood to need to be adapted to a country's regional demographics and conducted with cultural sensitivity. Utilising a pre-experimental, pre-test, and post-test design, quantitative research methods were employed. Non-Probability The 150 students that made up the sample were selected using a practical sampling technique, and self-structured checklists were used for data collection. Descriptive and interferential statistics were employed to analyse the data. In the pre-test, 48 (32%) of the sample had insufficient knowledge, 102 (68%) had adequate knowledge, and 0% had moderately adequate knowledge. In the post-test, 20 (13.333%) of the sample had insufficient knowledge, 60 (40%) had adequate knowledge, and 70 (46.66%) had moderately adequate knowledge. The study's findings indicated that the programme for preventing student suicide was successful. The paired t-test result was 9.1 at the 0.05 level of significance, indicating that the suicide prevention programme was successful.
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