The Effectiveness of Family Independence in Overcoming Health Problems in the Family
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Objective: The research objective was to determine the effect of providing family nursing care on family independence in dealing with health problems in the family in the work area of the Nusawungu Health Center, Cilacap Regency.
Methods: The design used was a quasi-experimental one group pretest-posttest design. The total sample is 50 families that meet the inclusion criteria, with purposive sampling technique. Data analysis in this study was univariate and bivariate (dependent t test).
Results: The findings indicated that administering family nursing care had a notable impact on enhancing family independence in tackling health issues (p value = 0.000). Hence, it's crucial for Puskesmas nurses to offer nursing care to families by conducting home visits to aid them in managing their health problems, leading to a better health status for the family
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