The Role of Modern Technologies in the Treatment of Migraine.

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Saidvaliyev F.S.
Subkhanova A.Kh


The article aims to study the effectiveness of using a mobile application as a control diary in the treatment of migraine. The aim of the research is to improve migraine behavioral skills and knowledge in patients who use the mobile application,  control medication intake, and  achieve the effectiveness of treatment without other additional drugs by monitoring the elimination of migraine triggers on a daily basis. During the study, 80 (100%) patients diagnosed with migraine were examined. Standard pharmacological drugs for the treatment of migraine were recommended to all patients: antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, triptan, and general stimulants. For the purpose of preventive treatment, 40 patients were recommended a paper control diary, and the remaining 40 patients were recommended a mobile application called "MIGREN PRO". Patients were re-examined after 3 months. The number, duration, and level of depression of patients who used the mobile application decreased, and their quality of life improved.

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How to Cite
Saidvaliyev F.S., & Subkhanova A.Kh. (2023). The Role of Modern Technologies in the Treatment of Migraine. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 37–42. Retrieved from


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