Disability and Geriatric Health: A Review

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Purnima Rastogi
Khwairakpam Sharmila


According to the Indian government's National Policy on Older Persons, a person is considered "elderly" or a "senior citizen" if they are 60 years of age or older. According to the WHO, India's old-age dependence ratio will increase from 9.8 to 20.3% by the year 2050. Disability in the elderly is a significant health indicator that indicates a deteriorated quality of life, because the relationship between disability and geriatric health is biologically defined. Nevertheless, ageing should not be equated with impairment because a significant portion of older adults enjoy good health. Several Indian studies have examined disability in the elderly population; however, their definitions of impairment vary widely, and they focus only on one element, specifically, the medical disability model. It is common knowledge that the phrase "disability and elderly" covers a wide range of conditions, each with its own set of needs, and should be explored as a much broader definition.

As the global population continues to age, geriatric health has become a key concern. Within this population, disability is a common issue, and it intersects with various aspects of geriatric health. Disability in geriatric populations can arise from a variety of factors, including chronic conditions, injuries, or genetic predisposition. In this paper, we will examine the correlation between disability and geriatric health, delving into the effects of disability on various aspects such as quality of life, functional status, and social support.

In conclusion, disability can have significant impacts on older adult health. The risk of developing chronic health conditions and subsequent cognitive impairment, falls, injuries, and depression is greatly increased among disabled older adults. Multifaceted interventions are needed to improve geriatric health in disabled individuals, including access to healthcare services, appropriate housing, and preventive measures.

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How to Cite
Rastogi, P. ., & Sharmila, K. . (2023). Disability and Geriatric Health: A Review. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 102–106. Retrieved from https://www.jclmm.com/index.php/journal/article/view/918


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