Homeostatic and Hemostatic Changes in the Blood System Under the Conditions of Experimental Hypoxia in Animals in the Early Periods of Postnatal Development

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Elnara Jabir Mehbaliyeva


The main goal of this investigation was to determine the characteristic features of glucose (sugar) levels in the blood of animals of young age and sex, and to clarify to what extent they obey the daily biorhythm.

The results obtained showed that the normal level of glucose in the blood of 2-month-old male rabbits during the day is 105-108 mg%, in the blood of females 107-110 mg%, in the blood of 3-month-old males and female rabbits it ranges from 111 -118 and 114-122 mg%, respectively. The second stge of our research is experiments with hypoxia. Experiences has shown that in this case, the level of glucose in the blood fluctuates between 97-118 mg% (in 2-month-old males) and 102-117 mg% (in 2-month-old females) during the day. In 3-month-old rabbits, due to the effect of severe hypoxia, the level of glucose in the blood increases significantly in the first hours, reaches 120 ± 4.6 mg% (in males) and 124 ± 2.4 mg% (in females), and then decreases.

After short-term mild hypoxia the amount of glucose in the blood varies between 98-113 mg% in 2-month-old males, 96-115 mg% in females, 107-116 mg% in 3-month-old males, and 110-121 mg% in females. Thus, there is a statistically significant increase in glucose levels. Differences observed between male and female glycemic responses are less pronounced during mild hypoxia.

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How to Cite
Elnara Jabir Mehbaliyeva. (2023). Homeostatic and Hemostatic Changes in the Blood System Under the Conditions of Experimental Hypoxia in Animals in the Early Periods of Postnatal Development. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 216–221. Retrieved from https://www.jclmm.com/index.php/journal/article/view/944


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