Reattachment of Coronal Tooth Fragment an Aesthetic, Biological Restoration: Regaining Back to Normal

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Kailash Attur
Nikunj A. Patel
Karna Jani
Vishwesh Prashant Joshi
Aditi Patel
Riya Thakkar


Dental trauma frequently takes the form of anterior teeth's coronal fractures. Following a fracture, the original tooth fragment is kept. Reattaching the broken piece to the remaining tooth can improve function, aesthetics, and psychological reaction. It is also a quicker and less difficult process. The coronal tooth fracture case described in this research was effectively treated by adhesive reattachment of the fractured fragment and post implantation.

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How to Cite
Kailash Attur, Nikunj A. Patel, Karna Jani, Vishwesh Prashant Joshi, Aditi Patel, & Riya Thakkar. (2023). Reattachment of Coronal Tooth Fragment an Aesthetic, Biological Restoration: Regaining Back to Normal. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 246–251. Retrieved from


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