A Survey Study on Rural Women in Gurugram District on Media Literacy

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Neha Sharma


As technology has developed, it has become a tool that empowers women in various ways in India, where they hold a prominent place in society. Although new forms of literacy are emerging as a result of the new media environment, they are not necessarily promoted as being essential to prosper in a society that values knowledge. In light of the media's growing convergence, women must be provided with the resources they need to effectively advocate for this and participate in active involvement.

Using a random sample of rural women from four Haryana villages in the Gurugram district, the current study, which is both descriptive and analytical in nature, was carried out. The use of interview schedules as part of a survey methodology allowed researchers to learn more about women's access to and use of the media, as well as their interest in and need for information on a range of topics, including health care, the cost of expensive educational institutions, legal protections in various jurisdictions, etc. The report also emphasizes the importance of self-help groups, microloans, and employment possibilities.

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How to Cite
Neha Sharma. (2023). A Survey Study on Rural Women in Gurugram District on Media Literacy . Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(2), 319–330. Retrieved from https://www.jclmm.com/index.php/journal/article/view/978


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